Her husband's death, she married Maxwell Stevenson of. An Episcopal Preparatory school in.
He received his undergraduate Bachelor of Arts degree B. In 1928, Jackson joined the New York law firm of. In 1929 he became an Associate of Beekman, Bobue & Clark.
Following the stock market crash of 1929, Jackson moved to the business and. Financial interest law firm of.
Where he became a full partner in 1934. March 1942 - 7 July 1945 as an. Graduating from the Army-Air Force (USAAF) Air Combat Intelligence School at. He was assigned as an A-2 Assistant Intelligence. Officer, HQ 1st Bomber Command at 90 Church Street in New York close to his.
Law office, which immediately became the USAAF Anti-Submarine Command. Was the principal author along with investment banker Alexander Standish and. Ingersoll of the USAAF Bay of Biscay Intelligence Estimate, calling.
For the attack on Nazi U-boats at their source on the coast of France. A significant turning point for the Battle of the Atlantic. From Harrisburg in June 1942, Jackson was promoted to Major and brought into. The War Department by Secretary. Where he became General Staff Chief of. Secret Intelligence reporting to General. The European Theater of Operations (ETO) at COSSAC headquarters with the cover. Title Chief of G-2 intelligence for 1st Army Group (FUSAG).Became the senior ULTRA SCIU team leader for all US armies in the ETO. Achieved the rank of lieutenant colonel, and was assigned by. To the planning staff of Brig.
Who had just taken over the USAAF Air Transport. He was listed as the Adjutant General for the ATC European Wing that. Ferried more than 7,000 U. Aircraft to Britain during WW II.
Recognition for work rebuilding or expanding air fields in the United Kingdom. For American aircraft and creating an expanded communications network for top. Secret secured communications (again, with Standish and Ingersoll). Of 1943, he was given the'cover title' Assistant Attache for Air, stationed at. The US Embassy under Ambassador.
Near Grosvenor Square, next to the. Shortly thereafter he was promoted to full colonel and appointed G-2. Intelligence chief at 1st Army Group (FUSAG) headquarters in London's West End. Massive deception plan to make the Nazis believe the D-Day assault. Come from Scandinavia in the north and at Pas-de-Calais under the command.
The narrowest point of the English Channel. He worked closely with Gen. Betts, Deputy G-2 SHAEF and then Colonel.(G-2) at Headquarters, 1st Army located. After the successful D-Day feint, Jackson was made head of all OSS. X-2 Special Counter-Intelligence Units (SCIU) in the ETO, traveling with 12th.
Army Group's forward EAGLE TAC headquarters to Luxembourg on General. During the Battle of the.
Teams, on January 1, 1945 during the middle of heated battle, Jackson was. Named Deputy G-2 for all U. Armies at 12th Army Group. Service to his country and the people of Europe, Jackson was awarded the. Legion of Merit with 1-OLC. He is believed to be the only US Army. Officer below the rank of general to receive both the French. Croix de Guerre with Palm.