In civil engineering from the University of California in 1928, a. Doctorate in hydraulic engineering from the Berlin Technical University the. Following year, and a professional civil engineering C. University of Michigan in 1933.
During World War II, General Vogel served in. Herbert Vogel married Loreine Elliott, daughter of Mr.
Eugene Elliott of Washington, D. On December 23, 1925, while he was. Stationed at Fort Humphreys (now Fort Belvoir). Their close and happy marriage.Produced two sons, Colonel Herbert Davis Vogel, Jr. , is also a graduate of the U. Is now vice-president of Merrill Lynch Pierce Fenner & Smith Incorporated. And his brother Richard is an attorney.
Four grandchildren at the time of his death. Vogel, a lovely and active. Lady, fully supported Herbert in his endeavors for fifty-nine years. Military and professional engineering matters throughout his career, General. Vogel retired from the army in 1954 as division engineer of the U.
During this portion of his career, he. Contributed to the control of large waterways by proving and exploiting the. Validity of hydraulic models, a contribution that brought about a revolution in.
The use of these models was prompted by the country's. Need to find methods of controlling the Mississippi River and its tributaries. To prevent recurrences of the disastrous floods of 1927. Stated that General Vogel attended the Berliner Technische.Hochschule, graduating with the degree of doctor of engineering. Followed duty with the Mississippi River Commission in Vicksburg, Mississippi. Waterways Experiment Station, which has become so well-known. Full credit of the prestige of the WES is due.
Establishment and orientation of it, and for his expert counseling as the WES. Developed during the subsequent years. Contributed to the facts in this memorial, adding the following: As a result of. His early initiative, Vog combined his intelligence, engineering knowledge. Superior judgment, fierce loyalty to his profession, high professional. Standards, sensitivity, and humor to become one of the world's outstanding.Hydraulic engineers, respected by his host of friends and associates worldwide. Waterways Experiment Station was constructed and in operation. Vogel and his colleagues opened new areas of research and convinced authorities.
Of the reasonableness of using new methods and techniques for solving the. Problems involved in the control of the Mississippi River and other sizable. Their work required the use, for the first time, of extensive. Small- scale models of large rivers. Although these models had some vertical.
Distortion (because a very small horizontal scale had to be used), they were. Nevertheless useful for waterway control, and new techniques and methods were.
Developed through these models that went far beyond the European concepts. Waterways Experiment Station has become a model for practical. Hydraulic research institutions around the world and is now the most complete.
And active installation of its kind anywhere. It has been visited by thousands. Of people from all over the globe. In addition, during the past fifty years.
Hundreds of problems relating to all parts of the United States and many. Foreign countries have been brought to the experiment station for study.Millions of dollars have been saved as a result of its work, and major. Hydraulic structure design improvements have been made.
Appointed chairman of the Tennessee Valley Authority (TVA) by President Dwight. Eisenhower, a position he held until 1963.
During his nine years as chairman. He had executive responsibility for the operation of the largest electric power. System in the United States. During this period, the capacity of the system was. More than doubled; it was supplying electric energy to an area of over eighty. TVA is responsible for the unified development of.Natural resources over an area of forty-one thousand square miles and for the. Development of navigation and flood control of the Tennessee River System.
Herbert also served as both president and consulting engineer of the Tennessee.